Belated February Director-y

We continue the year in a literary vein with Ed Bryant as our February speaker.

Best known as an award-winning (Nebula, Stoker) horror and science fiction writer, Ed also is a noted reviewer and critic. He won the American Mystery Award for Best Critic in 1989 and his work has appeared in Locus Magazine and The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror anthologies. He is currently working on a collection of his fiction that will be published under the Arkham House imprint. Ed is also well-established as a teacher and mentor to the Colorado SF/f/h writing community. His workshops, advice, support and networking have been instrumental in the careers of many successful writers and editors. And his newspaper clippings and commentary are legen (wait for it) dary. Don’t miss him!

Coming up in March, artist/illustrator/author R. Gary Raham will be on hand.

Past/Upcoming Parties & Plans

  • The Dead Dog at Dana’s was amazing and her house is awesome! Wish I’d had more time to hang out in the Wyrm room … very cool!
  • The alternate at Rhonda & Tay’s went well; there were about a dozen of us (we fit ‘cause we’re friendly!) chatting, munching and playing a game of Apples to Apples. Meanwhile, to some nostalgic reminiscing, Tay was playing Jonny Quest (the original) in the background on the TV.
  • I made it down for part of COSine in the Springs and saw a few DASFAns there … it’s low-key but I got to talk to a couple of folks and see some people I have trouble connecting with at MileHiCon, so that was fun.
  • Per the email I sent though the Yahoogroup, I plan to go to that robot play fest up north. Haven’t heard from anybody yet, so if you’re interested in going with a group and getting the group rate, let me know ASAP. Some info from the theater group’s email: ”Theater Company of Lafayette will be presenting a robot-themed play festival in March. Seven world-premiere plays will be performed. We'd be happy to give you a group discount. Here's our website:”

Yours in fandom,