July 2011 DASFA Director-y

This month, Dr. Steve Lee will talk on some of his latest Mars research … always interesting and entertaining!

This month we will also finalize plans (meeting time, any other details) for the August picnic.

I didn’t make it to the July alternate (heat wipes me out) but the DASFA Facebook page is up and running … if you haven’t joined and arranged to Like/Follow us there, please do so!

Dave and I will be hosting the August Alternate … start time at 6 pm so we have a couple of hours outside (weather permitting. I’ll put together some kind of cold collation (fruit, ice cream-y sorts of things) and there will be ping pong for those who are willing.

Upcoming DASFA schedule:
August – picnic
September – John Stith
October – Hilari Bell & Robin Owens
November – Rhonda’s program
December – Christmas party

Yours in fandom,