November 2012 DASFA Director-y

After a full weekend of fannish fun at MileHiCon, we’re back to regular meetings. I trust you all had a good time at the con and am always interested to know what people did, what programming they attended and liked, and any ideas they have for next year. We have two Guests of Honor lined up so far--author, filker and Hugo-winning podcaster Seanan McGuire and writer and also Hugo Award-winning podcaster Catherynne M. Valente . (They both are involved with The SF Squeecast.) And New Mexico author and physicist Ian Tregillis will be our toastmaster.

In addition to officer nominations, we will have a discussion of the Fannish Family & Lifestyle. The Brazee-Cannon clan will talk for a while on what that means for their family, followed by a more general discussion on what the fannish lifestyle is, whether DASFAns live it and what it means for single vs married vs family fans. This topic may even continue at the Dead Dog, which Dave and I will be hosting after the meeting … hope to see a bunch of you there!

The November Alternate was combined with a Halloween party and vodka tasting at the home of one of our Meetup folks … several DASFAns trekked south for the party, which was fun.

The December Alternate will be the revival of the pizza alternate, held at the Cup & Eagle (otherwise known as Mishalak Manor).

In December, Bruce and Sandy will again host the Christmas Orgy. It’s that time of year again already…

Yours in fandom,