I’m sure everybody remembers that we are not having the regular DASFA meeting this month because we will be at MileHiCon! At the Hyatt Regency DTC October 19-21, we have a full lineup with guests of honor Cherie Priest, CJ Henderson, Steve Brust, artist Stephen Hickman and toastmaster Stephen Graham Jones. Programming starts at 3 pm Friday, so if you can get off work early, do it! The full schedule is up on the con website (www.milehicon.org) for your perusal and planning purposes.
DASFA will be sponsoring the con suite from 4–6 pm on Saturday ... I am ordering pizzas and ask that people bring dessert-y things to supplement. (Remember the hotel is feisty about homemade items unless you have a catering/food prep license.) The con suite will provide beverages. And of course, please hang around, talk with people and encourage folks to show up at meetings between MileHiCons.
The Dead Dog last month at Jim’s was fun as always with food, conversation and a rousing couple of games of Apples to Apples. The Alternate-Time-Alternate was smallish, but the Halloween decorations were great!
Next month, in addition to officer nominations, we will have a discussion of the Fannish Family & Lifestyle. The Brazee-Cannons will talk for a while on what that means for their family, followed by a more general discussion on what the fannish lifestyle is, whether DASFAns live it and what it means for single vs married vs family fans.
In December, Bruce and Sandy will again host the Christmas Orgy. It’s that time of year again already!
See you at the con!