
Mile Hi Con 2013!

Event Date: 
Friday, October 18, 2013 - 06:00 - Sunday, October 20, 2013 - 12:00

Come visit us at MileHiCon 45, the Largest Science-Fiction Fantasy Literary Convention in the Rocky Mountain Region. Over 80 authors and speakers come to MileHiCon each year. Programs on various subjects such as Science Fiction, Fantasy, Horror, Science, Music, Filking, Movies, Publishing, Costuming, Gaming and much more.

As in past years, the convention is at the Hyatt Regency Hotel – Tech Center, 7800 E. Tufts Ave., Denver CO

Upcoming Ed Bryant Auction at MileHiCon

Ed Bryant, Jr., a Colorado writer and all around great man, has found himself in a bit of a financial predicament brought about by, among other things, medical costs. The "Friends of Ed" organization has decided to showcase a two-pronged auction event to help raise funds for Ed's immediate needs.

A live auction will take place on October 23, 2011 at the Hyatt Regency in the Denver Tech Center during MileHiCon 43. Additionally, an online auction through Ebay will take place in the week prior to MileHiCon 43, ending on both Saturday and Sunday, October 22 and 23, 2011.